

Welcome to KatchingUpWithKaitlyn.....I am Kaitlyn of course. I am a college sophomore with a major in Nursing. I love everything beauty and fashion. I love playing around and trying new makeup. I am addicted to nail polish and own more bottles than I can count. I have really tried to branch out and be more adventurous with my fashion. I love to read and watch both movies and t.v. shows ( Thankx to Netflix of course). I love going to school. 

My goal with this blog is to be able to share my interests and opinions with you. I want to help influence your next nail polish purchase, inspire your latest fashion choice, recommend the next book you should read, rate some of the best and worst movies and t.v. shows, and lastly relate to your schooling/college experience. I hope that for all that I want to do with this blog that  you all do just the same with your feedback and support. 

Basically, this blog will be the spot where we all can be beautiful, inspiring, and encouraging. I can't wait to see this journey that we take. 


To Keep Kaught Up With Me Send Me an Email to:

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