
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Book Review: The Longest Ride

Hello everyone! Today's post will be a book review on "The Longest Ride" by Nicholas Sparks. First, before my review I want to share with you the synopsis on the inside cover of the book. 

"Ira Levinson is in trouble. At ninety-one years old, in poor health, and alone in the world, he finds himself stranded on an isolated embankment after a car crash. Suffering from multiple injuries, he struggles to retain consciousness until a blurry image materializes and comes into focus beside him: his beloved wife, Ruth, who passed away nine years ago. Urging him to hang on, she forces him to remain alert by reminiscing about their lifetime together---how they met, the precious paintings they collected, the dark days of World War II, and its effect on them and their families. Ira knows that Ruth can't possibly be in the car with him, but he clings to her words and his memories, reliving the sorrows and joys that defined their marriage. 
A few miles away, at a local bull-riding event,  Wake Forest University senior's life is about to change. Recovering from a recent breakup, Sophia Danko meets a young cowboy named Luke, who bears little resemblance to the privileged frat boys she has encountered at school. Through Luke, Sophia is introduced to a world in which the stakes are high: Reward and ruin---and even life and death--loom large in everyday life. As she and Luke fall in love, Sophia finds herself imagining a future far removed from her plans--- a future that Luke has the power to fulfill......if the secret he's keeping doesn't destroy it first. 
Ira and Ruth, Sophia and Luke. Two couples who have little in common and who are separated by years and experience. Yet their lives will converge with unexpected poignancy, reminding us all that even the most difficult decisions can yield extraordinary journeys: beyond despair, beyond death,  the farthest reaches of the human heart."


So Now here is my review on this book. Overall, I would give this book a 3.5 out of 5. It was an easy read that kept my attention. I loved the story line between the two different couples. The characters were very relatable; as you got to know the characters the more that you cared about them. 
However, the only complaint that I have about this book is the ending. I feel like all through out the book your attention was grabbed and you could feel that something huge was about to happen. This feeling lasted until the very last chapter of the book. While the ending was good and there was something huge that happened, I feel that the ending was very rushed. It almost felt like the author was given unlimited pages to give you the back story of the characters, but then the publisher told him he needs to wrap the previous 300 something pages up into 10 pages. 
Despite the rushed ending, I believe it was a nice way to finish the book. I would recommend reading this book. "The Longest Ride" has definitely become one of my favorite Nicholas Sparks' books. 

In case you did not know, "The Longest Ride" is the next book of Nicholas Sparks' books to be turned into a movie. I am so excited about this. In fact, this is the reason that I decided to read this book in the first place. I wanted to read it before seeing the movie. After reading this book, I have great expectations for this movie. 

In April I will for sure be in the movie theater with my popcorn bucket. I hope that you all will be too. Until next time.....



  1. Putting this on my book list of must reads! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds like a great book! I'll have to try and read it before it becomes a movie :)

    1. That sounds like a great plan. Glad you enjoyed it!:)
